Well, not happy.
I was putting together my final notes for the pre match warmup and team talk and just about to prepare my notebook when the text came in that the pitch was frozen and we are postponed yet again.
It's disappointing for so many reasons, but among the top are I felt like the squad was well prepared and well focused to take on the top of the table Manchester City squad. Our session Friday night we focused on quick movement off the ball, in order to allow quick ball movement. They really seemed to be developing trust that quick play requires. Oftimes forwards don't make runs because the ball doesn't come out of the midfield quick enough; the midfield doesn't get the ball out because the forwards aren't making runs.
It takes a degree of faith and trust that the ball will be there when the run is made, and the run will be there when the ball is played. The trick is that we don't need to have one person making the run, optimally ten players should be working to be available for a pass. If ten people are thinking "what can I do next" likely at least two will be viable options in the first action.
In my experience, women tend to pick that up just a little quicker. I think it has something to do with faith and trust. Conversely, on a women's squad, I think it breaks down faster if the negative spiral starts. Once a technical competency is reached, I really believe a lot of this game boils down to confidence in your ability, and the ability of your teammates.
It's a shame they didn't wait to see how the pitches would thaw through the morning, because the Preston North End Women are certainly showing that confidence in training.